Digital DeskArt Links/Cysylltiadau Arlunio


Artcyclopedia: Top 30 Artists Searches
List of links to the most searched-for artists on Artcyclopedia - the links will take you on to more extensive information for each artist and images of their work.

Albrecht Durer: Woodcuts and Engravings
Online exhibition of Durer's woodcuts from the Connecticut College Wetmore Print Collection.
Features major modern and contemporary artists each with portrait, brief biography, links to articles and examples of their work.

Georgia O'Keeffe
Commentaries by the artist herself on some of her selected works.

Leonardo da Vinci
Take a journey through Leonardo's life and discover his investigations into not just art, but science, engineering and military weapons.

Universal Leonardo
An interactive site aimed at deepening our understanding of Leonardo da Vinci through a series of exhibitions, scientific research and web-based resources.

Leonardo Da Vinci: Master Draftsman
An interactive feature designed to complement the Da Vinci exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Online Picasso Project
A comprehensive illustrated catalogue and overview of Pablo Picasso's life and art.

How Van Gogh Made His Mark
Superb interactive resource on Van Gogh's drawings - the styles, techniques and expressions. Explore the drawings and take in the details of his extraordinary work.

Van Gogh and Gaugin
Exhibition from the Van Gogh Museum highlights the relationship between the two masters.

Van Gogh and Gaugin: Studio of the South
Online companion to the 2001 Art Institute of Chicago exhibition examining the personal and professional history of Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin.

Vincent: The Full Story
Follows the turbulent road the artist took, physically and mentally, revealing the truth behind his iconic works, his relationship with his brother Theo, and his suicide.

Vincent Van Gogh
The most thorough and comprehensive Van Gogh reference on the web, covering all of Van Gogh's 2,211 works.

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