English Language
Changing Language
The English language is vast, flexible, fascinating, frustrating, challenging, inspiring and endlessly changing. Discover how the language has developed over hundreds of years.
IDEA: International Debate Education Association
The world's most useful resource for student debaters. Here you will find arguments for and against hundreds of debating topics written by expert debaters, judges and coaches.
Can I Have a Word?
New ideas and resources to inspire creative writing in the classroom.
Hard Spell
Spelling is compelling! Test your skills in the spelling game where you race against the clock.
Punctuation Made Simple
Clear guides on the correct use of the colon, semi-colon, comma, dash and apostrophe.
Skillswise: Words
A great resource for those wishing to improve their grammar, spelling, reading and writing.
Way With Words
Join Benjamin Zephaniah, radical rapper and dub poet, on the site where English literature and language come alive.
GCSE Bitesize - English
Revision exercises from the BBC.
Cliché Finder
Searching for just the right cliché to use? Type in any words and Cliché Finder will return any cliché using that word.
Acronym Finder
BTW did you know this site has one of the biggest databases of acronyms on the WWW? Get over there ASAP. TTFN.
The ABCs of the Writing Process
Covers the five steps of writing: pre-writing, writing, revising, editing and publishing in a series of fun tutorials.
Guide to Grammar and Writing
Writing tips and guidelines on grammar for those what know nuffink about speaking proper, knoworrimean?
World Wide Words
Devoted to the English language - its quirks, curiosities and evolution - and includes a section on words and phrases not yet printed in dictionaries.
Familiar Quotations
Who said that...? A searchable collection of passages, phrases and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature.
OneLook Dictionary
Find definitions from multiple dictionaries.