You can view the Primary Links Whitelist of selected web sites here.
ARKive is the Noah's Ark for the Internet era - a unique global initiative, gathering together into one centralised digital library, films, photographs and audio recordings of the world’s species.
Life Processes and Living Things
We must take care of the different environments in which we live and the creatures and plants who share it with us - so we need to learn about where they live and what they eat.
Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along
Designed to help teach children how to better manage conflicts and challenges they face on a daily basis.
Billy Bug and His Quest for Grub
Test your understanding of co-ordinates by guiding Billy to the hidden grub.
Billy Bug and His All-New Quest for Grub
A more advanced version of using co-ordinates that includes negative numbers.
Lists and Instructions
Encourages pupils to think of the need to carry out certain acts in a certain order by arranging a series of familiar activities into the correct order.
Learn with Dogs
Online games and fun activities from the Dogs Trust covering a range of subjects including numeracy, literacy, citizenship, music and art.
Callum's Addition Pyramid
A fun maths activity to improve kids arithmetic skills. Get 1000 pyramid points to open the mummy's tomb.
Film Street
Aimed at budding Spielbergs, Film Street is packed with activities, movie making ideas and advice on creating moving images.
Digger and the Gang
Fun activities to discover Maths, English and Science with Digger the Dog and his gang.
Spelling with the Spellits
Have fun solving mysteries while improving your spelling with the Spellits.
Healthy Teeth
From baby teeth to braces, Healthy Teeth is all about oral health and what goes on in your mouth.
Times Tables
Can you answer twenty questions in a minute? Test your times table skills with this great activity.
The Adventures of Herman
Join Squirmin' Herman to discover the life of the worm - and why we can't live without them.
Bang on Time
Read the time in words and stop the clock when the hands are in a matching position. What score will you achieve in ten turns?
National Geographic for Kids
Fun and colourful information-packed site that tailors the excellent National Geographic content especially for children.
ICT Resources
A growing collection of activities ranging from basic mouse skills to painting with Dazzle and graphic modelling.
The Blobz Guide to Electric Circuits
Colourful interactive activities to explore how electric circuits and switches work.
Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check
Improve your spelling by playing this game. Look at the word, say it to yourself, then cover it up and see if you can type and spell it correctly.
Prehistoric Life
The dinosaurs were among the most successful animals ever to live on Earth. How did they reign for over 100 million years, and what happened to them?
History for Kids
Online activities, timelines and stories that makes learning history fun!
CBBC Newsround
Informative, entertaining and comprehensive news articles from around the world for - and about - children.
Geography Essentials
A colourful site full of resources that help explain geography concepts and skills.
Explore the landscape of Scotland and learn geographical terms and map skills with your friendly guide, Goggs.
What is Weather?
Is it a bird, is it a plane, or is it a cumulus rain cloud? Find out what weather actually IS.
Musical Mysteries
A lively interactive site allowing pupils to have fun while exploring basic musical concepts in sound, rhythm and mood.
Number Time
Helps young children develop their knowledge and understanding of number, shape and space, time, and money through the use of sketches, animation and songs.
Show Me
We show you the fun, scary, wild and cool stuff from the UK's museums and galleries.
Bizzikid: Sid's Online Safety Guide
Become an Internet Safety Expert with Bizzi Sid by collecting codes and playing cool games.
Creature Feature
Get to know some of the most interesting and unusual members of the wild world with photos, videos, sounds, fun facts and lots more.
NAACE Primary Classroom Activities
Plenty of online activities and downloadable resources from NAACE.
The Bug Investigators
Online games and printable projects on how to keep safe from all the nasty bugs and microbes around you.
Sebastian Swan
Meet Sebastian the Swan as he guides you through his library of interactive books - and don't forget to send him an e-mail message!
Nature Grid
Teacher resources and children's pages on grasslands, woodlands, ponds, plants and investigating rivers as well as links to other educational resources and wildlife links.
Baglan's Big Books
Produced by local teachers as part of a literacy project for KS1, these electronic books demonstrate the kind of classroom resources you can construct using TextEase - and a little imagination!
Words and Pictures
A fun-packed site with poems, games and activities to help with reading and writing.
Originally a BBC radio series, Snapdragon now has his own site where children can learn Welsh through play.
Blue Peter
Online version of the popular BBC programme. Well worth a visit.
The Yuckiest Site on the Internet
Fun science with a leaning toward the icky-sticky and the creepy-crawly.
Interactive on-screen activities from the BBC.
The UK's leading Science Discovery Centre.
The Exploratorium
Lots of ideas and things to do both in the classroom and out.
Castell Henllys
An Iron Age fort under excavation in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.