Simple Search
Enter a single key word - eg. rugby
The search engine would look for all pages that contain the word "rugby" - which would include sites on rugby union, rugby league and even sites on the town of Rugby.
Moderate Search
Enter a phrase enclosed in quotation marks - eg. "rugby union"
This would result in the search engine returning all pages that contain the phrase "rugby union". If you typed the words rugby union without using quotation marks, the search results would be pages that contain the words "rugby" AND "union" - not quite the same thing.
Complex Search
Enter phrases and key words - eg. "world cup" +rugby
In this example, the search engine would search for world cup AND rugby.
Co-ordinated Search
Use special commands - eg. "world cup" +rugby -football domain:uk
In this example, the search engine would look for world cup AND rugby but NOT football, and only in domains ending with the suffix UK.
Extra Commands
To limit search to a particular country: enter domain: followed by the country code - eg. domain:uk or domain:fr
- fr = France
- de = Germany
- es = Spain
- jp = Japan
- nl = Holland
To Search for Pictures
Enter image: followed by the picture names eg. image:"mona lisa". Alternatively, visit the Google web site and select the Images tab on the home page.
Opening Links in a New Window
Select a link by clicking the right mouse button and then choose 'Open in New Window' from the pop-up menu that appears.