Digital DeskInclusion Links/Cysylltiadau Cynhwysiad


Adult Dyslexia Association
ADO advises, supports and empowers dyslexic adults, taking account of the special abilities and disabilities associated with dyslexia.

Afasic was founded in 1968 by parents to help children with speech and language difficulties and their families. Features information on courses, groups and the latest news.

British Aphasiology Society
The British Aphasiology Society (BAS) is a national interest group formed to foster the development of the study of aphasia. Information on conferences, workshops and study days.

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Includes a section on training and education for counselling.

British Association of Teachers of the Deaf (BATOD)
The only association representing teachers of hearing-impaired children and young people in the UK. Audiology, sound treatment, excellent for mainstream. This is a very good site for information.

British Deaf Association Sign Community
Sign Community now includes a quick and easy to use listing of groups and services around the UK who use videophones, including public libraries and other services.

British Dyslexia Association
Providing a wealth of information for dyslexics, teachers of dyslexia and parents.

Child Bereavement Trust
UK charity site supports all involved with child bereavement.

Contact a Family
Site for parents of children with disabilities, particularly specific conditions and rare disorders. Includes a section on Speech and Language Impairments.

Deaf Education through Listening and Talking (DELTA)
Delta is an organisation that promotes the aural approach to the education of deaf children.

Information regarding Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Attention Deficit Treatment.

Dyslexia Action
A national charity and the UK's leading provider of services and support for people with dyslexia and literacy difficulties.

Dyslexia Research Trust
The Trust exists to support research into dyslexia and related conditions and their aim is to make the findings of their research available to the widest possible audience.

Fragile-X Society
Information about the syndrome, causes and its diagnosis. Particularly useful for parents.

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
Organisation that trains dogs as "hearing ears" for deaf people.

I CAN is the charity that helps children with speech and language difficulties across the UK and works to create a society where their special needs are recognised, understood and met, so that they have the same opportunities in life as other children.

Institute for the Study of Antisocial Behaviour in Youth
A Canadian site based on research on antisocial behaviour. It offers advice for professionals, parents and the public.

Excellent site for anyone involved in SEN, including people involved with EBD. It also provides links to other helpful organisations.

National Association of Gifted Children
Ensuring that appropriate provision is made for children to develop their gifts and talents to the maximum.

A useful online information resource for child protection issues.

Nurture Groups UK
The Nurture Group Network aims to support established Nurture Groups and the development of new groups.

Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD)
Plenty of activities, resources, news and information. Predominantly for use by deaf adults or older students interested in interpreting services, deaf clubs and employment opportunities.

Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB)
Helping you live with sight loss.

Royal National Institute of the Deaf (RNID)
Representing and supporting the deaf and hard of hearing people in the UK.

Promotes services for children and young people who have emotional and behavioural difficulties and supports those who work with them.

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