Elements of Competence

Element 1
Functions of ICT

  • How to make the best use of the speed and automatic functions of ICT
  • The impact of the capacity and range of ICT
  • The provisional nature of information stored and its usefulness to learners
  • Interactivity and information

Element 2
ICT and Subject-Based Learning

  • Achieving learning objectives
  • Selecting ICT for best tasks
  • Preparation of equipment, content and methodology
  • Content and presentation - getting the balance right
  • Using ICT efficiently
  • Using ICT to raise expectations
  • Making the links - ICT, the subject and everyday applications of the technology

Element 3
Planning for the Effective Use of ICT in the Classroom

  • Setting ICT in the Scheme of Work
  • Lesson planning and ICT in the context of learning
  • Assessment planning and the impact of ICT

Element 4
Organising Classroom Use of ICT

  • Selecting modes of use to accommodate individuals, pairs, small groups and whole classes
  • Organising individuals, pairs, groups and classes
  • Planned and spontaneous use of ICT
  • Organising ICT resources effectively in the classroom
  • Integrating ICT and other forms of work

Element 5
The Specific Contribution that ICT can make to Teaching Pupils with Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Classrooms

  • Subject-specific support
  • Hardware, software and courseware
  • Matching pupils' needs and the available technology

Element 6
Review and Evaluate Courseware and Software

  • Choosing the most suitable ICT to meet teaching objectives
  • Evaluating learning packages on courseware
  • Evaluating applications software

Element 7
The Development of the Pupil's IT Capability

  • Facilitating the pupil's IT skills development
  • Developing the pupil's understanding of IT terms and protocols
  • Providing models of good practice in the use of IT

Element 8
Assessment of Learning using ICT

  • Monitoring pupils' ICT-based subject progress
  • Evaluating the contribution of ICT to pupils' subject development and standards of attainment
  • Distinguishing between:
    • learning using ICT
    • learning ICT
    • presenting learning through ICT
  • Assessing work by individuals and groups using ICT
  • Using formative, diagnostic and summative assessment methods in relation to ICT-based learning

Element 9
The Importance of Introducing Pupils in Nursery and Reception Classes to the Use of ICT

  • Encouraging young children to see ICT positively and to experiment with it
  • Providing opportunities to use ICT
  • Identify and introduce appropriate cognitive and motor skills
  • Using ICT to support development of literacy and numeracy
  • Using ICT to support creative development
  • Encouraging pupils to work collaboratively

Element 10
Technical Terms and Range of ICT

  • Evaluating information and communication systems for content and usefulness
  • Correct use of specialist terms associated with learning to use ICT

Element 11
Common ICT Tools

  • Using the tools for teachers' and learners' benefit
    • word processing
    • e-mail
    • presentation software
    • data handling
  • Understanding the characteristics of information
    • information evaluation
    • storage and management
    • the nature of stored information
    • information transfer and sharing

Element 12
ICT and the Age of the Learner

  • Using ICT to find things out
  • Using ICT to try things out
  • Using ICT to communicate

Element 13
Features of ICT

  • Speed and automation of information management
  • Capacity and range of information
  • Provisionality of information storage
  • Interactivity between ICT and users

Element 14
Preparation and Presentation using ICT

  • Recognising the needs of diverse audiences
  • Making the most of the technology to meet teaching objectives
  • Using the full range of ICT features

Element 15
IT Requirements of the Statutory Curriculum

  • Understanding the core curriculum in IT, including its application as a key skill
  • Understanding the curriculum's expectations of IT skills development

Element 16
Evaluate Application of ICT in Relation to Age of Learners and Subject being Taught

  • Generic ICT procedures and tools
  • Reference resources and sources
  • ICT in relation to learning the subject and in relation to the context of the subject in society
  • Courseware in specific subjects - online, on disk, by installation

Element 17
Context of ICT

  • Health and Safety issues and legislation
  • Legal considerations when using data, text and images/video
  • Ethical issues in the use of electronically stored information in teaching and learning

Element 18
Use of ICT to Improve Professional Efficiency

  • Using ICT in record keeping, administration, report and management of information
  • Understanding current work on ICT in the subject area
  • Using ICT to communicate with other professionals
  • Sharing effort and exploiting resources as a member of a connected professional community

Section 4 - Coverage