Taught or Self-Tutor
Delivery takes place by mode

Where the module selected is a heavily taught module this will normally - within operational and quality constraints - be delivered at the teacher's school. Where teachers prefer to attend taught modules at local training sites this will be made possible by running events common to primary schools and secondary subjects. Taught modules will normally result in a teacher being given a task to complete in a specified period.

Where the module is delivered heavily by open-learning with online support, the tutor will provide or direct the teacher to self-study materials produced or commissioned by the partnership. The tutor will in all cases act as a guide for teachers to find and access materials from other sources such as the Virtual Teachers' Centre. It is also envisaged that teachers in schools and departments will form supportive groups and that teachers in the locality pursuing the same modular programme will be able to combine in mutual support.

For teachers entering the programme with very limited ICT backgrounds, some of the modules will be designed to provide them with the tools to do the job. This may be in the form of awareness raising, confidence building and skills development. It is recognised that some teachers will need threshold levels of training if they are to get full value from the programme.

  • Taught module activities delivered
  • Self-teach module activities undertaken
  • Tasks set and deadlines agreed