Teachers evaluate experience in groups

The programme focuses on the identified needs of individual teachers. However, the partnership wishes to encourage primary schools and secondary departments to progress together, to share experiences and to take ownership of their ICT progress. The partnership is also aware that an over-concentration on experiences within a single school or department may lead to introspection and wishes, within the programme, to give individuals the opportunity to discuss their progress with peers in other schools.

Following classroom application, seminars will be arranged during the course of the programme at the identified centres where individuals can debate with their colleagues the different styles and approaches to each module. They will also be given opportunities to discuss with other colleagues in other regions via e-mail and video conferencing.

Tutors may ask individuals or groups of individuals to present their application as an example of good practice and/or a celebration of success. In some cases and with agreement the outcome may be made globally available via the world wide web. It is the aim of the partnership to promote a culture of sharing which it believes to be fundamental to the development of ICT in education.

  • Seminars to share experience
  • Evaluation of applications
  • Examples of good practice
  • Celebration of success
  • Sharing