Assessment and Feedback
Teacher and mentor assess progress

Assessment and feedback will take place after or during, as appropriate, every module. This will be done on an individual basis either at the school or, if the teacher prefers, at one of the local centres.

Feedback will take the form of constructive criticism. Only where there is real cause for concern will teachers be expected to repeat a module. It is the partnership's view that the experience is at least as important as the outcome in ICT development, and that real progress is in the hands of the individual. Our task is to excite and enthuse teachers, to help them explore the potential of ICT for teaching and learning, and to help them understand the range of opportunities it provides when used well.

Assessment will take place against the outcomes specified in the bid specification, and presented here in the section Outcomes of Training.

  • Module assessed either by scrutiny of the task, by teacher evaluation and/or by school visit
  • Feedback given to teacher
  • Appropriate next actions agreed