the Task has been Completed...
the following:
- would
the activity have been more profitable to pupils had the tasks
been carried out in a more traditional way?
- did
the use of LOGO support the subject?
- were
the tasks appropriate and sufficiently challenging?
- did
the activities enable pupils to keep on task?
- were
pupils able to repeat procedures to create regular shapes and
- were
pupils able to create more complex procedures involving repeat
commands to rotate shapes through 360°?
- were
pupils able to save, retrieve and amend their procedures?
- are
pupils acquiring expected and necessary Key Skills in both the
subject supported and ICT?
- is
there continuity and progression?
- how
suitable were the pupil groupings?
- is
there need for reinforcement or consolidation?
- what,
if anything, would you change before using LOGO again?
- did
the questioning of pupils during the task inform you and focus
the pupils?
- is
the pupils' knowledge of the subject enhanced by the use of
the computer?
- has
your use of the subject been influenced by ICT?
- were
teaching and learning objectives met?
- how
will assessment be used to inform future planning?
of Study