Digital DeskHistory Links/Cysylltiadau Hanes

The Romans

The Roman Army and Navy in Britain 55BC - 410AD
A complete listing of the evidence on the ground of the Roman military machine in Britain - its fortresses, watchtowers, temporary camps, depots and industrial areas, together with background on the army and its sites.

The Roman Baths
Official site of the best preserved Roman religious spa from the ancient world.

Show Me: Romans
Colourful and interactive site that explores Roman life and culture.

Romans in Sussex
An in-depth look into how people may have lived in the Sussex region during the later Iron Age, the Roman period and early Anglo-Saxon times.

Boudicca's Revolt
Colourful illustrated story of Boudicca and her fight against the might of the Roman army.

The Romans in Britain
Explore the realities of Britain under Roman occupation and life at the edge of the Roman Empire - and discover where you can still see evidence of occupation today.

You Wouldn't Want to be a Roman Gladiator
Will you live or die after your first fight as a gladiator? Find out what fate awaits you on your journey to the arena.

Gladiator: Dressed to Kill
Dress a gladiator for battle in the Roman arena of death. Your choice of weapons and armour will decide whether or not he is victorious.

Hadrian's Wall Country
Explore Hadrian's Wall using an interactive map and see if you can identify some of the Roman artefacts found there.

Ancient History: Romans
Tour the Roman Empire, explore Roman culture in Britain and the lasting impact of this ancient civilisation.

From AD1, the sixty million people of the Roman empire experienced profound change as the loss of the republic signalled the death of all Roman ideals.

Time Traveller's Guide to the Roman Empire
Everything you need to know to make your way through the vast Roman Empire and avoid its pirates, plagues, conspiracies and above all - wars.

The Roman Empire in the First Century
Meet the emperors of Rome, read the words of Roman poets and philosophers and learn about life in the 1st Century AD.

The Romans
Informative site from the BBC specifically designed to cater for the needs of KS2 students studying History.