Digital DeskHistory Links/Cysylltiadau Hanes

The Anglo-Saxons

Show Me: Anglo-Saxons
Colourful and interactive site that explores Anglo-Saxon life and culture.

Anglo-Saxon Coins
Take a closer look at Anglo-Saxon coins and the stories behind them, then test yourself with an interactive activity and see if you can make money talk.

BBC: The Anglo-Saxons
The site is introduced by Hild, an Anglo-Saxon girl who appears throughout presenting interesting facts, quiz challenges and activities.

Ancient History: Anglo-Saxons
Discover how the Anglo-Saxons shaped the whole cultural landscape of Britain - from architecture to language - after the Roman occupation ended.

Discover the everyday activities of the inhabitants of an Anglo-Saxon village called Wichamstow.

The Anglo-Saxons
Covers different aspects of Anglo-Saxon life: coinage, slavery, weapons - even advice for bridegrooms!