World War II
The Art of War
A superb resource on the illustrations, propaganda and film created by the Ministry of Information which was created the day after Britain declared war.
Voices of the Holocaust
Collections of oral history testimonies gathered from Jewish men and women who came to live in Britain during and after World War II.
Escape from Colditz
The Germans believed no one could escape from Colditz and you are a prisoner held in solitary confinement. Escape seems impossible but there is a way - can you find it?
Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State
Maps, plans and a chronological exploration of the largest mass murder site in history.
The Perilous Fight: America's World War II in Colour
Witness World War II from the American perspective through rare colour films, colour photographs and a superb interactive timeline.
Was Hitler a Passionate Lunatic?
Was Adolf Hitler regarded in the 1930s as a lunatic or as a slightly odd eccentric who was rebuilding Germany? Read the sources from 1937 and judge for yourself.
HMS Belfast Virtual Tour
HMS Belfast played a leading part in the destruction of the battlecruiser Scharnhorst and the Normandy landings. Now you can explore the ship with this superb interactive site.
The Anne Frank House
Cover in-depth the moving story of Anne Frank, her years in hiding, and how her family were betrayed to the German occupying army.
Home Front 1939 to 1945
Discover how the war affected everyday life of people in Britain.
Children of World War 2
Join Vera to discover what life was like for children during the Second World War.
World Wars: World War Two
Huge resource from the BBC covering the causes, events and people in the most destructive war in history.
Their Past - Your Future
Marking the 60th anniversary of the end of World War Two, this Imperial War Museum project includes a wide range of activities for all ages.
Island Farm PoW Camp
One night in March 1945, seventy German prisoners tunnelled to freedom from Camp 198 in Bridgend. It was the biggest prison outbreak made by German PoWs in Great Britain during World War II.
Looks at the man behind the legend, revealing the real Churchill through the eyes of those closest to him.
Holocaust History
Describes and narrates the causes and nature of anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany.
Equipment Used in World War II
Unusual but fascinating scanned images from a collection of books from the 50s and 60s.
They Drew Fire: Combat Artists of World War II
During WWII more than 100 US servicemen served as combat artists depicting the war as they experienced it with paintbrush and pens.
Remembering Pearl Harbour
In-depth site from National Geographic featuring a multimedia map and timeline that brings the attack on Pearl Harbour to life.
Westall's War
A memorial to those who lost their lives in one of the worst bombing incidents in north-east England during World War II.
Bletchley Park
Nerve centre of the British codebusters who strove to crack the Enigma code during WW2.
The Churchill Centre
The Churchill Centre provides a variety of information on Winston Churchill including a FAQ section and archives on his written and spoken words.
The Rise of Adolf Hitler
An extensive biography of Hitler, from his birth in 1889 to his rise to become Dictator of Germany in 1933.
The U-Boat War
Photographs, maps and archives about U-Boats in WW2.
The Cybrary of the Holocaust
Dedicated to the millions who died in the Holocaust.